Thank you for sharing this. I'm finding that I am so angry with people that I had so much respect for. And then I judge myself for being angry, and if I'm honest, somewhat jealous. Because I put shit on PAUSE in the name of keeping myself and others safe. 2020 was hard on everyone, and their attitudes made it seem like it was more rough on them, so they deserved to travel and go out. I can't respect that selfishness. This post affirms me, and I'm grateful for your honesty.

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This right here is everything I have felt and continue to feel as I see posts that read “what are y’all getting into this weekend?” or hear a friend complain that she hasn’t had sex since January 2021 and it is now March. Girl, whet? I don’t even know if I remember how to. I told my therapist that I feel personally attacked by these people, like they want me and my mother dead - we are working on me not owning this perspective.

Last weekend I needed a curtain rod so I double masked up with wipes and spray in tow and stopped by Home Goods. Biggest mistake of my life in recent history! While I’m trying to follow one way signs on the floor to make it to the curtain rods people are aimlessly wondering around, walking the wrong way, standing directly next to me, and so on...it is a wonder I was not removed by an ambulance or the police. I will go right back to ordering what I need for delivery or curbside pickup for the foreseeable future.

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I had to mute close friends on Instagram because I had such a rage watching them going to bachelorette parties, huge weddings and family holiday gatherings, while I was home staring in the faces of people who I love but was tired of looking at. I felt their selfishness was a reflection of their character and I knew that if I continued to watch them, when this whole thing is over, I will not be able to be friends with them again. I will place an unfair amount of the burden of the pandemic at their doorstep and that will be that.

This post is EXACTLY how I feel.

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I'm so disappointed and angry at so many people out there for this. And, have you seen "We Hate You Now" in Medium? https://medium.com/surviving-covid-19/we-hate-you-now-d0fca14e3b82

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All 👏🏾 Of 👏🏾 This 👏🏾

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Thank you so much for articulating this. I went through a period of (extreme) anger at the people who wouldn’t even give up their vacation travel (“our family just really needs this” they would say to me), and I haven’t had to confront whether I’ll be staying friends with some of them or not in the after-times. But, yes, I think it will be hard to forgive and forget.

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I felt so much of this so strongly through about November of 2020. And while I continued to stay home, I felt worn down by the rage I felt towards others. It was (still is) exhausting.

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